Scope of application, mode of operation and advantages of the cooling module
The task of the KMQ cooling module from MASS is to cool the printed circuit boards after drying. In this process, the printed circuit boards are cooled to a temperature of below 30° C.
The cooling module works as follows: A cross-flow fan draws in room air via a particle filter. This is fed through deflectors onto the printed circuit boards. The air thus heated is fed to the upstream IR dryer, so that there is no longer any additional heat source in this area.
As with the IR dryer and the flash-off section, the conveyor belt can be changed from flat to V-shaped. The changeover takes place on the PC or directly on the control panel of the machine. When processing very thin printed circuit boards, the tape should be set flat. The advantages of the cooling module are the integrated outlet and the variably adjustable conveyor belt. The system ensures fast and trouble-free cooling of printed circuit boards. As a module, the cooling system can also be used individually.
Technical data
- Dimensions: Length 2,000 mm, width 1,000 mm and height 1,312 mm
- Working height: 900 * 50 mm
- Weight: 250 kg
- Conveyor belts: open-pore Teflon coated fabric
- Transport width: 700 mm
- Transport speed: 0 - 3.5 m/min
- Connected load: 1.5 kW
- Frame and cladding: Tubular steel profile (welded), sheet steel (powder-coated), RAL 7035, light gray
- Cover: Hood with filter insert